All articles are from the St. Tammany Parish Library Newspaper Archives, and Illustrations are not available.

CLUBS - Times-Picayune, The (New Orleans, LA) - January 22, 1989 - page 5H5 January 22, 1989 | Times-Picayune, The (New Orleans, LA) | Page 5H5

The monthly meeting of the Slidell Women's Republican Club will be held Friday at 10:30 a.m. at Annabelle's Restaurant in Slidell. Walter Reed, St. T ammany Parish district attorney, will be the guest speaker. He will discuss his new drug awareness program. Luncheon reservations must be made by Tuesday. For reservations, call 643-6501 or 643-3911.

CLUB PUTS WOMEN TO WORK FOR THE GOP - Times-Picayune, The (New Orleans, LA) - February 16, 1989 - page 6H6 February 16, 1989 | Times-Picayune, The (New Orleans, LA) | JANE TRIOLA Contributing writer | Page 6H6

Living in the United States has many rewards, and one of the most precious is the right to participate in elections. Organized in 1967 to promote an informed public, the Slidell Women's Republican Club now has more than 70 members, including some men. "Membership in the club is a good way to get involved in party politics," said President Catherine Palmer. Palmer, who has a master's degree in political science, has been interested in politics all her life. "We encourage our members to get involved in campaigns and to run for local offices," Palmer said. Several club members have won seats on the School Board, the Slidell City Council, the Police Jury, the State Republican Central Committee and the Parish Executive Committee. "So far, no one has run for Congress yet," she said. Club members participate in many campaigns. "We provide most of the staffing for local campaign headquarters, including presidential, gubernatorial, and Senate and congressional races. We are also involved in most local races with Republican candidates," Palmer said. "I enjoy getting the people we want voted in," said Vice President Marge Decreval. Decreval, a member of the club since 1973, joined after moving to Louisiana from New York. "I found Louisiana politics to be very different," Decreval said. "I am happy to see that now we almost are a two-party state." For six months before the 1988 Republican Convention in New Orleans, club members worked at the Superdome offices manning the phone banks, stuffing envelopes and putting delegate packets together. During the convention, members were security guards and platform committee typists. "About half of the members either worked or attended a session of the convention," Palmer said. Fostering loyalty to the Republican party and its principles and ideals is a basic part of the club. Guest speakers are invited regularly. "The speaker is usually a Republican, frequently an office-holder," Palmer said. Meetings are held the fourth Friday of each month at local restaurants. Membership is open to registered Republican women. Associate memberships are available to Republican men. Dues, which are $15 a year, include membership in the Louisiana and National Federation of Republican Women. A cocktail party fund-raiser with a noted Republican as the star attraction is held annually. Money raised is contributed to Republican candidates. "I enjoy the fact that membership in the club is a relaxed way of getting involved in party politics," Palmer said. "I find that dealing with other women who share the same interests leads to more professional involvement." If you would like to get involved or want information about joining the Slidell Women's Republican Club, attend a meeting or contact Decreval at 643-1602. The T imes-Picayune Features an eastern St. T ammany Parish club or organization each Thursday in the Slidell Picayune. If your club would like to be featured, call Reni Haley at 641-9350.

LAWYER WILL SPEAK TO GOP WOMEN - Times-Picayune, The (New Orleans, LA) - February 23, 1989 - page 13H6 February 23, 1989 | Times-Picayune, The (New Orleans, LA) | Page 13H6

The Slidell Women's Republican Club will meet Friday at 10:30 a.m. at Jacques Restaurant, 4750 Pontchartrain Drive in Slidell. Haywood H. Hillyer III will be the guest speaker. His topic will be the National Committee and Senate confirmation procedures. Hillyer is a National Committeeman, a lawyer and a Tulane University graduate. He is a member of the State Central Committee and has held many positions in the party organization. Hillyer is a member of the National Council of the Federal Bar Association and is president-elect of the New Orleans Bar Association. For information, call 641-3412 or 641-9443.

GOP WOMEN ATTEND CONVENTION - Times-Picayune, The (New Orleans, LA) - February 26, 1989 - page 5H6 February 26, 1989 | Times-Picayune, The (New Orleans, LA) | Page 5H6

Members of the Slidell Women's Republican Club recently attended the 18th Biennial Convention of the Louisiana Federation of Republican Women in Alexandria. Speaking at the program were Billy Nungesser, state chairman; Lt. Gov. Paul Hardy; Marilyn Thayer, president of the Louisiana Federation of Republican Women; and Maureen Reagan. The club received awards for their scrapbook and the number of volunteer campaign hours. Members attending were Cathy Palmer, Marge Decrevel, Bette Simpson, Gerri Stucki, Peggy Matkin and Marguerite Scogin. Alternates were June Erickson and Camille Burch. Guests were Carrie Brown and Theresa Wilson.

IMMIGRATION OFFICIAL CLUB'S GUEST SPEAKER - Times-Picayune, The (New Orleans, LA) - March 9, 1989 - page 18H6 March 9, 1989 | Times-Picayune, The (New Orleans, LA) | Page 18H6

District Director of Immigration John Caplinger will speak at the Slidell Women's Republican Club March 17 at 10:30 a.m. at Annabelle's Restaurant in Slidell. Caplinger was named district director in 1987 and has worked for the Immigration and Naturalization Service for 18 years. Reservations for the meeting must be made by Tuesday. For information, call 641-3412 or 641- 9443

COMMUNITY REPORT - Times-Picayune, The (New Orleans, LA) - April 27, 1989 - page 23H5 April 27, 1989 | Times-Picayune, The (New Orleans, LA) | Page 23H5

*** Women's Republican Club ***

The Slidell Women's Republican Club will meet Friday at 10:30 a.m. at Pinewood Country Club. Billy Nungesser, state chairman of the Louisiana Republican Party, will be guest speaker. Nungesser is also a member of the State Central Committee. For reservations, call 641-3412 or 641-9443.

NEW OFFICERS - Times-Picayune, The (New Orleans, LA) - June 8, 1989 - page 17H6 June 8, 1989 | Times-Picayune, The (New Orleans, LA) | Page 17H6

The Slidell Republican Women's Club recently elected new officers. They are, from left: Lynn Bowers, campaign chairman; Cathy Palmer, president; Marguerite Scogin, newsletter chairman; Virginia Martinez, Louisiana Republican National Committee member; Bettie Hatley, program chairman; Marge Decrevel, vice president and June Erickson, treasurer. Not pictured are: Erline Walker, recording secretary; Lenell Edwards, corresponding secretary and Ethel Watts, membership chairman.

CLUBS - Times-Picayune, The (New Orleans, LA) - September 21, 1989 - page 9H6 September 21, 1989 | Times-Picayune, The (New Orleans, LA) | Page 9H6

The Slidell Republican Women's Club recently elected new officers. They are, from left: Lynn Bowers, campaign chairman; Cathy Palmer, president; Marguerite Scogin, newsletter chairman; Virginia Martinez, Louisiana Republican National Committee member; Bettie Hatley, program chairman; Marge Decrevel, vice president and June Erickson, treasurer. Not pictured are: Erline Walker, recording secretary; Lenell Edwards, corresponding secretary and Ethel Watts, membership chairman.

YVONNE ALLISON - Times-Picayune, The (New Orleans, LA) - October 22, 1989 - page 1H6 October 22, 1989 | Times-Picayune, The (New Orleans, LA) | Page 1H6

Yvonne Allison will be the guest speaker at the monthly meeting of Slidell Women's Republican Club, to be held Oct. 27 at Ray's Bull Pen. Call 863-7229 for more information.