All articles are from the St. Tammany Parish Library Newspaper Archives, and Illustrations are not available.


NewspaperJanuary 21, 1993 | Times-Picayune, The (New Orleans, LA)

Page: 12H2 | Section: PICAYUNE

The Slidell Women's Republican Club will hold its membership and new member coffee Friday at 10 a.m.

All women who are registered Republicans and are interested in joining the club are encouraged to attend.

For more information, including the location, call Elizabeth Schneider at 649-4168.

The club's Political Action Committee meeting will meet Tuesday at 7 p.m. at the Slidell Holiday Inn.

Featured speakers will be New Orleans City Councilwoman Peggy Wilson and Republican Party State Chairman for Louisiana Douglas Lastrapes.

The topic of the meeting will be "Uniting the Republican State Party."

Members of the Slidell Women's Republican Club recently held their annual Christmas luncheon and Chinese auction at Pinewood Country Club.

Each member brought a Christmas present which was auctioned by president Lynn Bowers.

This event is one of the club's main fund-raising activities of the year.


NewspaperJanuary 24, 1993 | Times-Picayune, The (New Orleans, LA)

Page: 18H2 | Section: PICAYUNE

40 Words | Readability: Lexile: 1030, grade level(s): 6 7 8

# ART:

The Slidell Women's Republican Club recently presented

Robert Bork's book, 'The Tempting of America,' to the

Slidell Library. Former President Marge Decreval, left,

and President Lynn Bowers, right, present the volume to

Slidell Librarian Becky Taylor.


NewspaperMay 27, 1993 | Times-Picayune, The (New Orleans, LA)

Page: 1H2 | Section: PICAYUNE

Readability: Lexile: 1140, grade level(s): 9 10 11-12

*** SWRC installation set ***

Slidell's Women's Republican Club will hold its installation banquet Friday at 7 p.m. at Pinewood Country Club, 405 Country Club Blvd., Slidell.

Marilyn Thayer will be the featured speaker and installing officer.

For information on this or other programs sponsored by the club, contact Lynn Bowers at 641-8162.


NewspaperJune 13, 1993 | Times-Picayune, The (New Orleans, LA)

Page: 19H2 | Section: PICAYUNE

75 Words


The Slidell Women's Republican Club recently installed new

officers. They are, from left: Membership Chairwoman Carolin

Lewis, Corresponding Secretary Juanita Brinsmade, Campaign

Chairwoman Cathy Palmer, Recording Secretary Ethel Watts,

installing officer Marilyn Thayer, President Lynn Bowers,

Vice President Bette Simpson and Program Chairwoman Joy Dunn.

Not pictured are Treasurer Joan Holmes and Newsletter

Chairwoman Elizabeth Schneider. Thayer is a past president of

the Louisiana Federation of Republican Women.



NewspaperAugust 5, 1993 | Times-Picayune, The (New Orleans, LA)

Page: 7H2 | Section: PICAYUNE

Slidell Women's Republican Club members recently honored Alice Musgrave at a farewell luncheon held at the Marina Cafe in Slidell.

Club president Lynn Bowers surprised Musgrave with a letter from U.S. Rep. Bob Livingston and a key to the city.

Members also gave her the book, "The History of St. Tammany Parish."

Musgrave has been an active member of the Slidell Women's Republican Club since 1972 and has worked in many campaigns and as a commissioner at the voting polls.

She also is well-known in Slidell for her involvement in Community Christian Concern and the First Presbyterian Church.

She now will make her home in Solon, Iowa, where she is moving to be near her son, Bill, and his wife. She said she will miss her Slidell friends but is looking forward to making new friends and staying busy in Iowa.


NewspaperSeptember 19, 1993 | Times-Picayune, The (New Orleans, LA)

Page: 21H1 | Section: PICAYUNE

154 Words

Slidell Women's Republican Club will hold a membership coffee Friday at 10 a.m.

Guests will be treated to a performance by nationally acclaimed pianist Ronnie Kole.

Guest speaker at the group's most recent meeting was Slidell obstetrician and gynecologist Dr. Jason Collins.

Collins has conducted extensive research on umbilical cord abnormalities. He showed ultrasound and photographic examples in which the umbilical cord wrapped around the neck of a fetus, resulting in its death.

Collins has established the Pregnancy Institute in Slidell. Its goal is to monitor pregnancies by fetal heartbeat and ultrasound to detect and correct umbilical cord problems in utero.

The Slidell Women's Republican Club also was well-represented at the Louisiana Republican Party Convention held Aug. 20-22 at the Fairmont Hotel in New Orleans.

The club is planning a Nov. 19 fund-raiser which will feature guest speaker Fox McKeithen.

For information on the club or the membership coffee, including the location, call 649-4168 or 641-8162.


NewspaperDecember 26, 1993 | Times-Picayune, The (New Orleans, LA)

Page: 7H2 | Section: PICAYUNE


Members of the Slidell Women's Republican Club recently

shared their seasonal spirit in the form of a donation to

Safe Harbor shelter for battered women and their children.

Pictured making the presentation are,

from left, Camille Burch, President Lynn Bowers and Agnes O'Bryan.